Wednesday, August 12, 2009

down right lazy

Based on my little efforts of knowing much about blogging
or even how a person becomes an official "blogger"
here is my sad efforts at starting something that
I hopefully will have the nerve to keep for a couple months.
Mostly likely will not happen but here is an attempt...

Hopefully this isn't the feeling of purchasing a love it at first then you realize it pees
and you actually have to train it, feed it, and walk it every day.

Why are we so determined in the beginning then finding ourselves coming up short in the end? Human nature? Probably. Just like the dust that settles on your dashboard because you don't want to clean it. The remote that just so happens to settle underneath the couch cushions for a couple days, months, maybe even a year...

Are lack of motivation may be slowly declining.
At least that is what I feel like in the summer time.
There is nothing else to do so why not get lost at getting things lost?!
Forget about it for awhile...let it just sit and take care of itself.
That is why my room is jumbled with heaps of clothes and a closet full of junk.
Are we trying to hide something in our lives or is it just a lack of responsibility?

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