Monday, August 17, 2009

Don't have enough change??

Consumed. I am consumed in my own life. Its all about me.
I stubbed my toe, my stomach hurts, I can't believe this computer is so slow,
how come I had to step in cow poop...blah blah blah.
We spend our lives too wrapped up in our own problems
that we can't even begin to recognize the problems of others.
They are there...right in front of you waiting to get your attention
like a parking meter that blinks expired
but instead of the word expired its blinking get over yourself.

There is more to life then just me and my silly problems.
I realize that this is a easy concept but also very difficult to remember.

For example, I was hung up over the fact that I didn't have the same job
next year and that I wasn't feeling good and that I couldn't get my
room clean.
Then I realized...that is no biggie.
My grandma has been sick for a year,
my friend's dad is out of a job
and trying to get back on his feet,
my other friend's mom is ill,
there are people who go days/weeks without a meal

And I'm worried about a stomach ache? really?

I saw a sign that said:
"Be the change you want to see in others"
That's good, but not good enough.
Notice other people are changing and having their own problems
and your life will change. Dramatically.
It won't be all about you. It will be about them.
Help them through the changes/challenges
and your life will never be the same

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